Overview (draft)


How …

… to setup your Sundial-App and other tutorials you find on the Help Page →.
The help page is still in progress and at present only available in english.
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What is a Ayurveda Sundial?

The Ayurveda Sundial is a chronograph with either two numeric or two graphically depicted time dials that simultaneously show the solar time (local apparent time) and time zone time (»normal« time).

Sun cycles and ayurvedic dosha cycles as well as conventional time can be read within one display.

In the nummeric depiction → of the solar time, e. g. sunrise is always at 6:00 solar time. The time zone time on the contrary is aways different (close on equinox). So, you read the solar time, the way a regular watch actually is intended for.

See also: »Night and Day II« → and our info trailer →

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What makes this watch so special?

The fact that the Ayurveda Sundial shows the solar time and the time zone time simultaneously, allows you to live in both time worlds and let you organize your day according to your individual requirements – more natural or more practical.

Furthermore of cource, it shows the factual ayurvedic dosah cyles →, whose dynamic – depending on the seasons and the location – are significant.

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I have no idea about Ayurveda. Can I use this watch anyway?

Of course, the ayurvedic aspect of the sundial can, but not have to be used respectively have to be read.

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How does the solar time be determined?

Based upon your coordinates the highpoint of the sun, day length as well as sunrise and sunset will be calculated. Then, with the help of the timezone and time zone time, the relativ solar time can be determined. We display the solar time (local apparent time, LAT) in a dynamic scaling witch consider the day length.

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What is a Sun-hour?

A Sun-hpur is the 12th part of a day. A Night-hour is the 12th part of a night.
The length of a Sun-hour varies according to the seasons. In summer a Sun-houur is longer than one time zone hour, in winter shorter (time is stretched, time is jolted). This fact and »the three aspects of the time zone time« → produce a deviation of the »natural« time compared to »normal« time.

See also: The Sundial Simulator →

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Do I always have to update my position to calculate the solar time?

No, in the temperate zone for example, you have to move about 15 km* from you original coordinates (east/west) to get an aberration of 1 minute. On the equator it takes even 30 km*.

* Extrapolation

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What is the problem with time zone time?

The time zone time can deviate more then 3 hours from solar time and is also in other aspects missleading. Every time-related therapy, science or way of living is thereby questionable. We live permanently in two time worlds, a practical but arbitrarily and a natural, very dynamic. The Ayurveda Sundial unites both aspects.

Illustration Time Zone Tome →
Sundial Simulator →

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Is the solar time relevant to me?

Yes, the sun is our determinant timer. Do I want to live healthy, I should pay her attention at least.

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Don’t we live absolutely autonomic?

We are much more dominated by the sun cyles then we often want to concede. Also other celestial bodies have definitely an effect. We are part of the world!

The Chronobiology says, that e.g. we ar able to think more clearly and more concentrated in the morning. At afternoon we handle pain more easily and also we are more agile. Ayurveda is, relating to this statements more comprehensive and specific.

But the point is, we are often hours away from the real midday or other time areas/cycles of the day.
With the Ayurveda Sundial you can now start being specific. Welcome back to Realtime.

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What is realtime?

translation in progress

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What is realtime #1: »Midday is seldom the middle of the day«

Some copy follows

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What is realtime #2: »The length of a day is not a constants«

Some copy follows. Translation in progress.

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What is realtime #3: »All comes together«

At last realtime is always a interrelation between aspect #1 and #2.

Give our simulator a try;

More infos to the simulator you’ll find here →

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Applied Realtime

examples followes

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To be continued …

This page is still in progress and is not yet proofread by a native speaker!
See the german version →

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